Saint Peter
(7 products)He is regarded as the first bishop of Rome and has an extraordinary importance in the Catholic Church: St. Peter. Like no other companion, Peter still today shapes the idea that God forgives all sins and the repentant awaits the Kingdom of Heaven.
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Biography: the eventful life of Simon Peter
How did it come about that Simon Peter became a disciple of Jesus, his traitor and finally the fisher of men, who is celebrated today as the founder of the papacy? Simon Peter was born in Galilee, his birth year is unknown. Probably the prominent saint, whose existence is considered historically secure, died in Rome between 65 and 67. Peter and his brother Andrew, a former follower of John the Baptist, were appointed by Jesus as his disciples. It is reported that Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law from fever and thus performed one of his first miracles. The story of the storm on the Sea of Galilee is also well known. At first, Peter did not dare to follow Jesus who was walking on the water. After Jesus saved his disciple, it was clear to Peter that his role model could be none other than the Son of God.
In the gospels Peter is mentioned in numerous passages. However, Peter is given a special responsibility in the Passion story. On the eve of the crucifixion, Jesus announced that he wanted to build his church on the rock he called Peter. It was he who first cut off the ear of a servant of the high priest in the course of Jesus' capture, but finally denied his Lord three times - as Jesus had foreseen - even before the cock crowed. After the women who wept at Jesus' grave, Peter was the first witness of the resurrection. Peter decided to return to his old home and worked as a fisherman until Jesus appeared to him and celebrated communion with him. During the fishing trip, Peter learned that from then on he was to be a fisher of men.
St. Peter spent the rest of his life healing and preaching. He converted numerous people to Christianity and is considered the first Bishop of Rome, because he founded and presided over a Christian community there and previously in Antioch.
The legend of Saint Peter
Legend has it that numerous miracles occurred in the further life of Peter, justifying his prominent position in the circle of saints. Besides various healings and the gift of converting many people, the story about the end of Peter's life is also worth mentioning. It is said that Jesus appeared again to St. Peter, who announced that he would be crucified a second time in Rome. When Peter followed his Lord - determined to share his fate - Jesus went to heaven. In the place where St. Peter's stands today, Peter asked to be crucified. Knocked down on the cross with his head, Peter died as he wished. To this day, it is believed that the tomb of Peter is located directly under the dome of St. Peter's Basilica.
The interpretation that Peter is of great importance in the circle of the disciples and in the life story of Jesus is considered undisputed. The subject of numerous theological debates, however, is Peter's position in Rome. The Catholic Church in particular refers to the idea that Peter was the first bishop to work in Rome and legitimizes the so-called "patronage of Peter," although this is disputed by followers of other confessions.
Remembrance and customs: St. Peter as patron saint
June 29th is celebrated as a day of remembrance of Peter and Paul, January 18th is also considered a day of remembrance of Peter. Peter is the patron saint of Rome, Trier and other cities. The saint is also considered the patron saint of the popes. Numerous professions venerate St. Peter as their patron saint: fishermen, skippers, bricklayers, butchers, blacksmiths and many more.
For catholic believers it is common to call Peter to ask him for protection from fever, rabies and possession. Carved wooden figures of St. Peter are popular gift ideas and artistic jewels in the living room of believers. A statue of Peter can be recognized by the keys, which the saint usually holds in his hand. As heaven's gatekeeper, he decides on the entry of the souls of the dead into the kingdom of heaven. Also an upside-down cross, the cock, a ship or a book are attributes that are assigned to Peter. Many ecclesiastical works of art show St. Peter as the pope, who can be recognized by the triple tiara, the cross staff and the gospel.