Profane wooden figures
(310 products)Wood is such a universal material that it is also ideally suited for profane wooden figures. Among them are hunters and musicians as well as many professions or peasant figures. What they all have in common, however, is that they are carved from wood with great attention to detail and are completely hand-painted.
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Beautiful profane wooden figures
You will find subjects from the rural area such as the "farmer's wife with fruit" or the "seed farmer". The figures are very realistic and have obviously been worked out with great attention to detail. However, it is remarkable that these figures do not represent the hard work in the country. They rather make a glorified, romanticising impression - almost angelic.
Pleasure in detail
Many friends of the profane wooden figures see in it bonds with the representation of antique motifs. However, these figures are all completely carved from wood and painted by hand. Interestingly, the attention to detail is even more evident in the figures that are accompanied by animals, such as the hunter with dog. The climber is also particularly popular.
Music is in the air - with almost real instruments
Among the profane carved figures, musicians are always popular subjects. It doesn't matter whether the figures have a trumpet, a trombone or a flute in their carved hand. They obviously play them with virtuosity. Objects and musical instruments demand a lot from the carver's art. In fact, the intricacies of the instruments look so real that one almost thinks one can hear them playing
That the old wood art can also show modern things is proven to us by the skier, among others. Almost all professions have also somehow found their way into the profane world of carving figures. One particular category of profession has probably been experienced by all generations - the carved clowns.