Madonnas in praying position
(12 products)The Mother of God, who folds her hands in prayer and enters into dialogue with the Creator, is a highly symbolic figure with great spiritual power. The detailed carved wooden figures delight lovers of fine wood carving art as well as believers who find protection and comfort in the praying Madonna.
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The praying Madonna
The praying Madonna is depicted standing and can be recognised by the position of her hands. She gently places the palms of her hands together and turns her gaze towards the sky or diagonally downwards, in order to pause and surrender herself completely to the dialogue with God. The posture of the praying Madonna symbolizes the humility and devotion with which she turns to the Creator. She enters into communion with God and trusts in divine mercy.
The representation of the praying Madonna can be found in various religious contexts. She appears as Lourdes Madonna, as Madonna Fatima and praying Madonna with the rosary. The robe and cloak of the Madonna are represented in symbolic colours such as white, blue and red. Her beauty symbolises her elevated position and makes her a figure to whom believers can turn when they seek protection and hope to be given courage. The motif of pausing makes it easier for the believer to find peace in everyday life and to reflect on essential things. As a wall figure or standing wooden figure, the Madonna in a praying posture is a resting place and a carved work of art that is an eye-catcher in any room.