Karl Demetz nativity scene
(35 products)Direkt zu: Krippenfiguren | passende Krippenställe
The distinctive feature of the elements of the original Karl Demetz crib are the many and very elegantly worked out details. This is not only about a vivid facial expression - jewelry and other accessories of the Nativity figures have also been worked out in great detail by his master craftsmen.
All prices are including VAT but excluding delivery
Nativity figures of Karl Demetz nativity scene(% products)

Mary from 54,10 €

Jesus child from 54,10 €

Joseph from 54,10 €

Ox from 54,10 €

Donkey from 49,10 €

Couple of gloria angels from 69,10 €

King moor from 54,10 €

King white from 54,10 €

Genuflected king from 54,10 €

Group of gloria angels from 51,70 €

Genuflected woman with child from 54,10 €

Bagpipe player with child from 54,10 €

Herdsmen group from 64,90 €

Genufluected herdsman with fruits from 54,10 €

Herdsman with stick and lamb from 54,10 €

Shepherdess with pig from 54,10 €

Herdsman with bread basket from 51,70 €

Herdsman with flute from 51,70 €

Herdsman with sheep on shoulder from 51,70 €

Herdsman with sheep from 51,70 €

Camel driver from 54,10 €

Camel from 121,90 €

Elephant from 114,00 €

Elephant drover from 54,10 €

Sheep with lamb from 31,70 €

Lying sheep from 26,60 €

Sheep grazing from 26,60 €

Sheep watching from 26,60 €

Sheep group from 39,60 €

Sheep group with lamb from 43,80 €

Goat group from 31,70 €

Goat from 27,90 €

Dog group from 31,70 €

German shepherd from 25,10 €

Dog from 25,10 €