Fides nativity scene
(27 products)Go to: Fides-Krippensets | Fides-Krippenfiguren | nativity stables
The Fides crib consists of 15 figures, which captivate with their beautiful, straight lines. Here in the store, Fides crib figures made of ash are available in the sizes 10 cm, 12 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm.
All prices are including VAT but excluding delivery
Nativity sets of Fides nativity scene (% products)

Set 15 pieces from 195,80 €

Set 5 pieces from 64,70 €

Set 10 pieces from 119,20 €

Set 15 pieces with Oriental Holy Family stable from 314,60 €

Set 5 pieces with Oriental Holy Family stable from 183,50 €

Set 10 pieces with Oriental Holy Family stable from 238,00 €

Set 15 pieces with Artis - stable traditional from 306,70 €

Set 5 pieces with Artis - stable traditional from 175,60 €

Set 10 pieces with Artis - stable traditional from 230,10 €

Set 15 pieces with Stable "Artis" with enlargement from 301,40 €

Set 5 pieces with Stable "Artis" with enlargement from 120,10 €

Set 10 pieces with Stable "Artis" with enlargement from 224,80 €
Nativity figures of Fides nativity scene(% products)

Holy family from 35,60 €

Donkey from 14,50 €

Ox from 14,50 €

Melchior from 17,20 €

Balthazar from 17,20 €

Caspar from 17,20 €

Shepherd with lamb from 17,20 €

Shepherd kneeling from 17,20 €

Shepherdess with girl from 17,20 €

Sheep grazing from 7,50 €

Sheep walking from 7,50 €

Lamb lying from 5,30 €

Nanny goat from 7,90 €

Jesus from 4,80 €

Crib from 5,10 €